Click Here for your Free Traffic!
Even though our government will never admit it, it is common knowledge that crime is escalating in our rainbow country at the same rate that the Zim dollar is falling, no wonder there is a moratorium on giving crime stats. But that is not what I am here to write about, what with corruption in the government and high ranking officials, even the Police Commissioner under suspicion, leaders that you’d expect to be an example, what can you expect from the followers.
Anyway, my object is to give you, as a law abiding citizen, a few tips on some of the crimes, especially the ones where you may get yourself killed. Keep in mind that nothing is fool proof, life has no guarantees, and neither have my tips, but seeing as they are free, it will cost you nothing but a few moments to take a look at them, so try and implement them. Hey if you don’t, well it is no skin off my back and it might just be your funeral, or your loved one’s.
Let’s take a quick look at one of our biggest dangers – HIJACKING:
Face it my friend, when you are in your car you are a sitting duck, you can be shot at, you can be forced off the road by other stolen vehicles, you can be assaulted at traffic lights, options are endless and if you’re not careful, your ass, my friend, is toast before you know it.
Now I want you to keep this in mind, and mind is the key word here, it should become a mindset, always be aware of what is going on around you, your vehicle should have three mirrors, and if you adhere to the K53 driving instructions, you should use them every few seconds, not that we pay much attention to the K53 once we have our license, but still. Well here is my opinion, use your head for more than just a place to park a pair of ears and think, concentrate and use those mirrors for what they are there for, look behind you, keep track of the traffic behind you, but not just behind you, also next to you and in front of course, make sure that you know who is driving what vehicle, and make sure you know what they are doing. This should become a mind thing and it shouldn’t take you long to master, make it a way of life, do it every time you get into your car!
Another thing, and it is also a well known law, but I bet you don’t adhere to it, keep your following distance, that way you give yourself enough space to take evasive action when something suspicious happens. Also make sure that when you stop at traffic lights, stop signs or any other place in traffic, that you can see the tyres of the car in front of you where they make contact with the road, and then some. If someone behind you suddenly gets out of a vehicle for whatever reason, and you use your mirrors, you will have enough room to maneuver out of the way and take evasive action. (I would suggest that you keep your car in gear at all times) And if for instance you notice this person approaching wielding a firearm, hey cousin, then you have only a split second to think and to act, get away from there, he isn’t going to ask you for directions, he wants your car, cell phone or more than likely your life!
As I said earlier, in your car you are a sitting duck, but remember, your car can also be an extremely dangerous weapon, if used correctly…. Use it and your imagination, if your life is threatened, you are allowed to use any means at your disposal to defend yourself. Only, keep in mind that your car is not bullet proof and neither are you!
Now I have one especially for the ladies, my girl, when you approach your vehicle after shopping, a late night out, or whatever and where ever, make sure your keys are in your hand and not in that upside down handbag of yours, it might mean the difference between life and death. Again, it must be a mind thing, a way of life, a habit…. Oh and while on the subject, that key of yours, if used correctly, it can be an extremely dangerous weapon, take a look at the photographs shown here.
Holding the key in the position shown in the photographs, you punch for your assailant’s face, throat or neck. But hey, don’t send the guy a sms warning him you’re going to punch him, do it suddenly and with every bit of strength in your body. Remember, you don’t want to just hurt him, you want him out of action for at least enough time to get away safely, if not more.
Now use your imagination, everywhere around you are weapons, take for instance that You magazine you carry around in your bag, take a peek at the photographs below:
Roll it tight, just like in the picture, now don’t use it as a baton, that will be pointless, use it like you would stab with a knife, and go for the throat, I would take you a bet that if you strike a man on his adam’s apple with it as shown in the photograph down here, he would loose all inspiration of attacking you. In fact he might need medical attention. Now again, don’t give him any indication that you are going to hit him, do it quickly and with enough force to put him out of action for a while.
More weapons at your disposal, again use some imagination, most woman wear shoes with dangerous heels, use them for stepping on your assailants feet, shin, or take off the shoe and use the heel in the same way as you were shown with the key or the magazine. I repeat, don’t hesitate, do it with force and don’t feel sorry for your attacker, strike with force and make sure you make him take water, remember, he is not there to court you like a gentleman, he is either going to rape or rob you and ultimately kill or maim you. Take a look at these pictures:
An interesting fact is, your attacker expects someone that is going to put up a fight, or try to get away, now what will happen if you act like you agree with what he wants, go along for a short moment, what will happen, hell he’ll be so damned surprised, he will open up and drop his guard, for a second or two anyway, now that is when you hit him hard and fast.
Now walking to your vehicle, you’d look the complete fool if you keep on looking over your shoulder all the time, so again, brains and imagination – use the vehicles in the parking lot as mirrors to see if there are people following you. Especially the widows of 4x4’s or combi’s. They serve as the perfect pair of eyes in the back of your head, which is what you need these days in the wonderful, new South Africa, where every second person is proudly South African! (How anyone can be proud of people who rape or kill babies and old ladies I have no idea….) Now when you notice suspicious looking person/s behind you, pretend to be looking for your car, casually change direction, if you are still followed, hey you suddenly remember that you forgot something in Woolies, act like it, turn right around, and head back as casual as possible, but keep your car keys ready!
Now I know you might not agree with me on this, but that beggar next to the road at the traffic light, the one you feel sorry for, the very one with the sorry looking face, the one you feel compelled to give a few cents to, beware, he might have his knife in for you, so to speak, or his gun for that matter. Keep your windows closed if at all possible, doors locked and don’t make yourself vulnerable to people you cannot trust. And while on the subject, don’t trust other people, no matter who, with sensitive info, people talk, it is their nature, and that way info leaks out, info that can get you killed!!
The bottom line is this, keep your eyes open, use your imagination, stay open minded and make a habit of being vigilant and awake, it has to become a way of life, not because you want to, but because you have to in order to stay alive and in order to protect your loved ones.
Now before you get bored, I’ll stop, but I can carry on for days, whether you try and implement some of my tips or not, makes not one whit of difference to me, and you may think I am paranoid or over reacting, the choice is yours. I have seen more people that I can remember being carried off to a waiting mortuary vehicle, stiff as a cemetery board, lying in a hard, steel mesh basket, staring sightlessly at the white sheet over their faces, killed for their possessions or what ever other reason, by someone who had no value for life, and who, if ever caught and convicted, will go to jail for a few years, be pardoned because it is the State President’s birthday, and do it again. As I have said, the choice is yours…..
I have more tips, but the field is very wide and it is impossible to mention everything in here, but you are welcome to e – mail me at colin.i7@absamail.co.za for info on your specific problem. Thanks for reading my blog and stay alert.
Writen and compiled by Colin Immelman, retired Detective in the South African Police Force. You are also welcome to leave comments, as many at you like!!
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